
Monitors are the way to see the status of an IP/Domain. Here is a simple guide on everything about them. If you need anyhelp, feel free to Join our Discord:


You need to be an admin on the guild to create/manage monitors.

Viewing Monitors

  • Overview of all monitors

For a quick overview of all the monitors on your guild, run:


This will show you every monitor on your guild, along with the Status, ID & Name of the monitors.

  • View Individual monitors

To view a individual monitor, you can run:

sb!monitor <monitor id>

Running this command will provide more information on the monitor.


You get the <monitor id> from running the monitors command.

Creating Monitors

  • Create a monitor

To create a monitor simply run the following:


The bot will prompt you with questions to setup the monitor.

Configuring Monitors

  • Configuring Monitors

When configuring a monitors settings, the base syntax is:

sb!monitor <monitor id> <setting> <new value>


The <new value> doesn’t have to be there for all settings.

The following tables will provide information on each setting.


All settings are case insensitive in commands

Setting New Value Required? Posible new values Description
name Yes Any string The name of the monitor
ip Yes Any valid domain or ip address The domain or ip of the monitor
domain Yes Any valid domain or ip address The domain or ip of the monitor
enabled No Any value inputed will be ignored Toggle wether the monitor is enabled or not
enable No Any value inputed will be ignored Enable the monitor
disable No Any value inputed will be ignored Disable the monitor
hidden No Any value inputed will be ignored Toggle wether the monitor ip is hidden or not

Premium Settings: These settings are only avaliable to premium guilds

Setting New Value Required? Posible new values Description
footer Yes Any string The footer of the monitor embed
online title Yes Any string The title of the embed, when the status is online
online color Yes A valid hexadecimal color in the form of “#af35bc” The sidebar color of the embed, when the status is online
offline title Yes Any string The title of the embed, when the status is offline
offline color Yes A valid hexadecimal color in the form of “#af35bc” The sidebar color of the embed, when the status is offline

Deleting Monitors

  • Deleting a monitor

To delete an individual monitor run the following:

sb!delete <monitor id | monitor name>


| means “or”

  • Deleting all the monitors

To delete all monitors run the following


In Developement

sb!delete all